Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Guess who gets this one...

Here's a deal - the first person who guesses whom this pillow is for, gets a free one! Meaning I will make it for you without requiring you make a donation to a charity first. Hint: this one goes to a certain blogger who made a recent donation to TriBoomer's site.


Bigun said...

that looks like a Commadore pillow.

greyhound said...

I know, but you told me so that's not fair.

Di said...

I think it's for our chatty little marine - TriDummy

Unknown said...

I don't know, but I *heart* my pillow from last year and would love another one... Let me know when you're taking donations again!

Carrie said...

My first thought was TriDummy but that could be Commodore orange.

brendaj said...

Very cute! I still love the one that you made me.

21stCenturyMom said...

Now there's a great reason to do an IM. To get a Jenny original!

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

Di wins!!!

monica said...

oh man, keep me posted on when you make more. i'll totally throw down so me loot for one of those!!!

TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...


Thank you for inspring TriDummy's donation. The MDot pillow you made for me is one of my favorite possessions. I'm sure TriDummy will feel the same way.

Stay tuned...