Wednesday, February 27, 2008

... and the winner is...

Di! with a "strong" finish by Stronger, only a half hour later!!!
Comm was a good guess, but who besides TriDummy posts dead animals hanging in his garage????
As with all pillows, TriDummy custom ordered his.... I think it's going to be great in his man room.


Iron Girl Nyhus said...

very cool! Love the orange :)

TJ said...

that's got tridummy written all over it.

Di said...

teehee I WIN! I WIN! I WIN! Wait. Is that gloating? uh - well - I'm ok with that. I WIN! I WIN! LOL

Tri-Dummy said...

It DOES look great in my MAN ROOM! Pics coming soon.

In the meantime, feast your eyes on my new post about Bling and Sex featuring a photo of IronJenny.