Thursday, September 27, 2007

Things are moving along!

Dr. Doug called today and said he'd like to do my ablation earlier rather than later, so he has scheduled me for October 1st. I am so looking forward to getting this behind me. It is truly driving me crazy. The only setback, and I realize this is minor, is that I may not be able to do the Twin Cities Marathon. UNLESS he gets in there and can do the cauterizing he needs to do without too much circling of the pulmonary vein(s). If he has to do some of that, then I will have to be on a blood thinner for 1 to 3 months. And even getting a blood blister on my foot would turn into a nasty bleeder. BUT - he said not to cancel TCM until he gets in there and looks around. But he did say I should focus more on IM FLorida, and be ready to just let TCM go. I told him that I'm not a pro, so giving up a race isn't like saying my kids won't eat dinner for a few weeks. It's just my hometown marathon and the course is one of the most beautiful urban marathons around and EVERYONE goes or watches so it's like a huge family reunion.

I swam a couple thousand yards today, and I took it nice and easy. Tomorrow I was hoping to bike after school drop off, but got invited to play golf instead, so I will do that.

I take my Sotalol tomorrow, and then stop until the ablation.


21stCenturyMom said...

Yeah! I'm so happy for you. I hope he goes in there, sees the offending area and ZAP! Puts you right back in business.

Worst case you do more picnic than running for a little while. I love picnics, don't you?

Anonymous said...

SO glad things are moving along. still praying for you...

Bill said...

And if you have to cancel, volunteer and help spread the love. You'll still have a great time, without the blisters.

TJ said...

very cool. the sooner the better.
enjoy the golf. my clubs have been put away for a year...they'll be coming out of the closet soon.....

Anonymous said...


It has been a long while since I read your blog. It took me some time to catch up.

I had no idea of your recent chronic issues. We will be thinking and praying for a positive outcome.

Glad to see your are hanging tough with the training. Keep on exercizing for fun, health and well-being.


greyhound said...

I am so encouraged. Let's do this thing. I want the old Jenny back where she can drop me like a bad habit.

Not that you're old . . .

Di said...

Go Dr.Doug!!

Lots of love and lots of luck being sent your way my dear!!
See you soon, very soon!

brendaj said...

I'm so glad to be hearing the positive updates!

Tri-Dummy said...

like Bill are the BEST volunteer...cuz you spread the luv the best!!!

Posted my tat photo story today!!!

Jumper 2.0 said...

I'm waitin to hear how it goes tomorrow!

Will you be home tomorrow night or will they keep you one night?


Unknown said...

I pray things go well with the ablation.

greyhound said...

Today is the day. I'm thinking and praying about you, friend.

Iron Krista, "The Dog Mom" said...

So happy things are turning the RIGHT direction for you! What a scare... but you are tough... and iron and all, so we all knew you would be back at it in no time!

Take it easy :-)

the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

OMG! That's TODAY!!

Oh I am really really glad it's happening sooner - do the soft reboot now, you'll feel better soon.

I mean, it's fun being a volunteer and all, but you love to be a RUNner, not a volunteer-er. Right?

Fingers crossed and keep us posted!!!