Monday, October 01, 2007

Tomorrow's the Day!

I start my fast at midnight tonight, and report in to the hospital at 6a.m. tomorrow. Dr Doug said I should expect it to take about 6 hours. Hopefully I won't have to be on the blood thinners afterward because that would totally hinder my lifestyle. (And you have to give it to yourself in a SHOT - eeeww).
Thank you everybody for all your kind thoughts and prayers. I love you! I will check in with you tomorrow afternoon or maybe Wednesday morning if I'm groggy...

Iron Jenny

Can't wait til I'm back to my old self... This is my official IM Zurich finisher photo - Joe-Bobby and I finished with the exact same time - how about that?


TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

Good luck for a quick and full recovery.

BTW, you guys look great finishing IM Switzerland together.

Stay tuned...

Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Keeping your recovery in my thoughts and prayers. Hope all went well.

21stCenturyMom said...

I'm so glad the date got moved up for you. And I'm so looking forward to reports of your renewed good health.

I will be praying for you (I've been practicing!)

Donald said...

Prayers and best wishes.

jbmmommy said...

More prayers and positive thoughts coming your way. Great finisher photo. Take care.

tri-mama said...

all our thoughts and prayers are with you!

Tri-Dummy said...

I'll be praying for you. God Bless you and the doctors...keeping you safe and sound.

Santi said...

I pray for your speedy recovery. For the girl that has such a big heart -- I am counting on those beats to keep the same sweet rhythm from now on 8-) I will continue to keep you, your family, friends, and the doctors in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the post-procedure post!

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you, and great finish photo!

Brent Buckner said...

Best wishes for a successful operation and speedy recovery!

brendaj said...

Great finisher photo. We're thinking of you!!

the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

oh look at you - totally master of the 5th discipline (the 4th being nutrition)! You look all fast and stuff - you'll do fine tomorrow. Relax and absorb all the good will - we are all praying for you.

RunBubbaRun said...

Will be thinking about ya.

Have a quick recovery and you will be back to yourself in no time.

Nice photo..

Jumper 2.0 said...

Hope your feeling good this morning IronJen

Bolder said...

thinking of you

Anonymous said...

good luck little missy. we'll be thinking about you!

greyhound said...

The doctors will find a heart as big as all outdoors. Grace and peace.

Steve Stenzel said...


Cliff said...

I hope you are doing well..