Friday, August 10, 2007

Tagged by TriDummy!

Jobs I've Held:
Tobacco farm hand, nurses aid, summer nanny, English tutor, Buyer for retail chain (Dominick's Finer Foods), Regional Sales manager (Better Homes and Gardens), Mom (current and favorite)
Movies I Can Watch Over and Over:
Princess Bride, anything with Will Ferrell
My Guilty Pleasures:
dark chocolate, vodka lemonades
Places I Have Lived:
Texas, Connecticut, Chicago, Minnesota
Shows I Enjoy:
Project Runway, Survivor
Vacation Spots:
All over the world. Still on my list: Machu Picchu, Kilimanjaro, Egypt, Israel, Thailand
Favorite Foods:
turkey sandwiches; anything with cheese melted on it
Websites I Visit Daily:, your blogs ;-)
Body Parts I Have Injured:
none very seriously
Awards I've Won:
lots, but none that earned me a fish-net-stockinged leg-lamp like in A Christmas Story
Nicknames I've Been Called:
Jenny, Mama [spoken in a southern accent]

Now I'm tagging IronGirl Nyhus...


greyhound said...

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge! I left Christmas Story off my list!!!

"FRA-GEEEEE-LAY, it's Italian"

Comm's said...

we want to go to the same places. Group family vacation anyone?

Di said...

yes - Christmas Story. nothing else need be said.
As for Vodka Lemonades - I'll have to make you one of my special Lemondrop Martini's at CDA - my friends all crack up when I show up to their house for a party - I have a portable bar slung over my shoulder...just in case!! LOL

momo said...

how did i not remember princess bride when i was filling out my thing?? i LOVE princess bride!!

as you wish...


Larissa said...

Christmas Story! Another one I can watch a gazillion times. You know, you can get those lamps from Signals. I got one for my dad for Christmas - I've never seen him laugh so hard.