Saturday, June 30, 2007

Zurich Race Report

... is coming. First I want to find out why I have these HUGE fonts on my blog!


Cliff said...

All i see are small fonts :) maybe it is all relative..

i can't wait to hear your report.

jbmmommy said...

Looking forward to the report. Fonts look normal or small to me.

Joy | Love | Chaos said...

Great to know you're home safely. Looking forward to hearing all about the race! Fonts looking okay from here (mac os screen).

21stCenturyMom said...

You don't have huge fonts - your browser got set to HUGE text.

If you use IE click on View-Text Size to fix it. I'm not sure how FF does it but I'm sure there is a similar funciton. If you are using Safari on a Mac I got nothin' for you. I'm Mac illiterate.

Julia said...

I've been checking for your report every day! Fonts look normal to me. (Firefox).

Kewl Nitrox said...

Phew, for a minute there I thot it was just me seeing the small fonts. :)