Saturday, December 08, 2007

We did... and here's proof!

It was -4 degrees when I got up, and Laura and I had to do an 18-miler today. So we agreed to help each other tough out a dreadmill run - and we did it~! This is the furthest either of us has ever run on a machine, so we are really proud of ourselves!

Thank you to IronGreg, Rachel, and IronNick for talking us through the tough moments. Woo-hoo!


Bill said...

You two rock! There's no way in the world I could stay on a dreadmill for more than 20 minutes, much less for 18 miles.

21stCenturyMom said...

That is SO impressive. It boggles the mind. CONGRATULATIONS!

21stCenturyMom said...

The timer says 88:19 so did you really do that distance in a little under an hour and a half? Those would be 8:50 miles. Very impressive.

21stCenturyMom said...

Oh wait - I put the wrong numbers in. Those would be sub 5 min miles so that can't be right. How long did this take you?

Laurie said...

Wowie. Well done ladies :)

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

The clock turns over at 100 minutes. I think we took around 3 hours or so... basically 10 minute miles+.

Spokane Al said...

That definitely classifies as a looong run. You gotta be tough to train in the frozen north!

RunBubbaRun said...

You ladies are super stars, I think I have done 10 miles on a dreadmill, that was tough.

Congrats on getting the training in..

brendaj said...

You still look like you're having fun, even after 3 hours on a machine!

Steve Stenzel said...

18 on a dreadmill?!? That's gross.

Well done!!

Anonymous said...

awesome. i know your pain. i ran my 18 and 20 mile runs on a treadmill last year for the LA marathon. blech. But, it feels pretty awesome when you're done, eh? I can't believe y'all did the extra .1 ...

Michele said...

Impressive! That is a long time to run no where!
Training buddies, rock.

TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...
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TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

Get OUT (pause for effect) STANDING!

Just one look at one of those things and my engery is zapped. Wish I had half the energy (and patience) as you.

Stay tuned...

Bigun said...

that's awesome IJ...can't even imagine -4!

Nat said...

Woah. I could never go that long on a treadmill. I get bored after five miles. Way to go!!

Iron Pol said...

And people think I'm wacked out because I'll do 13-15 miles on the track at the YMCA (1/10th mile loop). I can barely stand to run on a treadmill for stride analysis. I can't imagine doing most of a marathon on one.

Anything more than 13 miles, and I'll do it outside unless it's colder than -10F. Than, I'll think decide based on the big picture.

greyhound said...

Remember those days last fall when your skies were cobalt blue and clear, and your air was dry, cook and crisp, while I was dying in the fetid stink that is Houston.

Well, I rode my bike outside this weekend, and had to use sunscreen, and wore a bike jersey without sleaves because it was so hot.

Nanner nanner.

Jumper 2.0 said...

I can't do it all on the treadmill. That is one reason, I love my lifetime fitness (moore lake), it has a track. So I run a few miles on the treadmill then a few on the track then back to the treadmill, etc.

Come on over sometime, i'm only running 6-10 miles but it would be fun to do that with you.


Jumper 2.0 said...

Note to self:


momo said...

that is crazy. you ARE iron! i hope you two chatted about something good. i'd have gone nuts. :-)

can't wait to see you next month!!

monica said...

i've done a 16 and 20 miler on the dreadmill, but with nobody to keep me company!! then i got all competitive with the shifts of people who would come and go beside me. all i can say is thanks friggin' god for the ipod!!!

Fe-lady said...

You guys are crazy...but so mentally tough to hang for that long on a treadmill.
I think I have run on a treadmill my whole life! I would rather bundle up for 4 degrees than run inside I think....but that's coming from someone who bundles up and wears mittens at 40 I am a liar, probably! :-)

DV said...

i love treadmill long runs!


way to go jen!

Supalinds said...

Holy crap (blink blink). Are you freakin serious? That is hard core. Whenever I don't want to do a workout, I will compare it to this. All workouts will seem easy compared to this.

You are awesome.

Anonymous said...

omg... i did that during my training for the marathon. i hope to god you had a TV on that machine. cuz if not.... i don't even want to think about what THAT would have been like.

good job.

Lance Notstrong said...

Now I feel like a real wussy for bitching about a 5 mile treadmill run.

Cliff said...

I didn't realize it is humanly possible to run on a dreadmill for so long :)

Tri-Dummy said...

good job, gurlees!

come over and give me some advice on the blog.

Di said...


Bolder said...


TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

Wow... I'm tired just thinking about it. Quick, somebody find me a couch!

Stay tuned...

the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

it takes a long time, doesn't it! Good for you!

Steve Stenzel said...

Merry Christmas!! - From the Speedo/Pharmie household.

Iron Girl Nyhus said...

I copied your "widget" :)


Anonymous said...
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